In Washington, DC: The Ulysses S. Grant Memorial, at Sunset

The Ulysses S. Grant Memorial, a bronze and marble monument at the reflecting pool west of the United States Capitol, looks especially poignant in the waning light of the day.

Henry Merwin Shrady (1871-1922) was the self-taught sculptor who created the monument.
He conducted extensive research and interviews with Grant's men to get the details right.
He finished in 1920, a culmination of twenty years of work.
The artist, stressed at the end of such an ambitious project, died 15 days before its dedication in 1922.
(See "Ulysses S. Grant Memorial," Architect of the Capitol website )

As the general surveys the action high in the saddle, his soldiers fight to the end.
On the north side, cavalry soldiers and their valiant horses convulse in the frenzy of battle.
On the south, battered artillery soldiers appear near total physical and psychological collapse.
The artist, drained from the creative battle of making this work, includes himself as an artillery soldier atop a fallen horse.
See The Outdoor Sculpture of Washington, D.C.: A Comprehensive Historical Guide (Smithsonian Institution Press Publication No. 4829 by James M. Goode)  

The memorial depicts exhaustion and weariness, a monument to endurance.
As such, the Grant Memorial is appropriate to visit at the end of day.

This monument in Washington, DC is known as The Ulysses S. Grant Memorial. The General Grant National Memorial, better known as Grant's Tomb, is located in Riverside Park in Manhattan near the intersection of Riverside Drive and W. 122th Street.

Update: Fans of the Netflix series, House of Cards, will no doubt recognize DC's Grant Memorial in the opening credits.
