Conquering the Fort: Winter Vistas from the Top of Fort Tryon Park

The early afternoon started off cold, but the winds were not bad. It wasn't snowing at the time.
I strolled over to Fort Tryon Park.
Looking up a The Cloisters, I decided to make the ascent.

So I walked up the paths.
I recommend tall boots with good traction and insulation.
Good signage up here, by the way.
It's not that hard, really.

When climbing a steep elevation, it's good to stop on occasion and look around.
A classic winter scene unfolded.

Hello, Inwood, Washington Heights, and the Bronx.
Where you see the point of the snow-covered triangle,
that's where I took the first picture. 

The path meandered west toward the Hudson River.
That's a winter sky, for sure.
Notice the ice in the river.

Here we are -
The Cuxa Tower at The Cloisters, with steam for atmosphere.
As soon as I arrived at the top, a red-tailed hawk swooped overheard (not shown).

I entered the museum and sat for awhile in the Cuxa courtyard.
Particularly pretty was a pristine white cyclamen in a terra cotta pot juxtaposed with the frosted glass. 

Walking back down the paths proved a little trickier than the ascent, but I found my footing.
When I arrived home and kicked off my boots, it started snowing again.


dottie said…
So beautiful,Teri. I have never been there in Winter...makes me want to go. Thanks