In the Light of the Winter Sunset, a Couple of Morningside Heights Landmarks

General Grant National Monument. Grant's Tomb. Opened April 27, 1897
The Morningside Heights location of Grant's Tomb is far away from the city's major tourist attractions, but city tour buses regularly drop off interested visitors throughout the day. While the general's final resting place doesn't command the big crowds of decades past, it's heartening to see some people still care. At times throughout the 20th century, the monument fell into a shocking degree of decay, but the most recent restoration from 1997 has kept the neoclassical monument fresh and pristine. If you haven't been, the interior is a beautiful and touching place.
Outside, the graceful trees bend like loyal soldiers forming an honor guard for their departed general.
This website is proud to bring you two Grant memorials in one week. The other one, in our nation's capital, is described here.

Riverside Church. A block or two south of Grant's Tomb on Riverside Drive and 120th Street.
Riverside opened for its first church service on October 30, 1930. Financed by John D. Rockefeller, Jr., the architecture is inspired by Chartres Cathedral in France. This west entrance, facing the Hudson River, takes its cue from the celebrated French cathedral's Royal Portals. Go inside to experience the breathtaking Gothic nave. The church's "new" Gothic work is supplemented with historic Renaissance windows and tapestries.
Thanks to John D. Rockefeller, Jr., who also financed The Cloisters in Fort Tryon Park, New Yorkers can visit France in the 13th century anytime they want.

The light on the facades of Grant's Tomb and Riverside Church, shown above, courtesy of this sunset over the Hudson River. Riverside Park, near W. 120th St.
Pictures from 5:06 p.m. to 5:09 p.m.
