Hawks, A Romance; and A Dapper Little Snowman

At about 10:15 a.m., I was walking along Seaman Avenue when I heard loud shrieks overhead.
I looked up and saw two hawks mating.
I wasn't expecting to see that on my morning walk.
The pair then separated, sat on the tree, and brushed themselves off. 

It didn't occur to me it was mating time for Red-tailed Hawks.
Of course, it is the day after Valentine's Day.
Maybe an experienced hawk couple possesses the wisdom to wait for the day after.
You know, a day with lower expectations -
a little squirrel tartare followed by a flight around the park.

Mr. Hawk flew around for awhile while Mrs. Hawk rested in the tree.

When Mr. Hawk returned, they re-enacted their earlier intimacies.

Then Mr. Hawk flew over the ridge in Inwood Hill Park,
basically showing off with a personal air show,
as that is the way of the Red-tailed Hawk.

The romantic scene was of the winter variety.

Meanwhile, in an alleyway of the hawks' gravity-bound neighbors,
a dapper little snowman rehearsed a dance.  


dottie said…
I love this so much! Avid hawk fancier and amateur birder in general but most of all fan of NYC and you, Teri.
Teri Tynes said…
Thanks so much, dottie.