Running Clear: Pete Seeger and the Hudson River

The great troubadour Pete Seeger (May 3, 1919 - January 27, 2014) died last night at New York-Presbyterian Hospital in Manhattan.
He was not far from the river he loved and for which he fought.
In the post-war decades, corporations routinely dumped PCBs in the river, essentially damaging the entire river ecosystem.
Thanks to Seeger's Clearwater campaigns, graceful sloop, and festivals, the river runs a little clearer now. GE began dredging operations in 2009 to clean up its mess.
The activities are ongoing and will take several more year to complete.
Seeger wrote a song, "My Dirty Stream (The Hudson River Song)." It's on his 1998 album, God Bless the Grass."
In the song he dreamed,
"That some day, though maybe not this year
My Hudson and my country will run clear"
Photo of the Hudson River from Fort Tryon Park, from Sunday, January 26, 2014. 2:22 p.m.


dottie said…
Beautiful tribute. So good that you can actually see the river now from Ft. Tyron Park!

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